Welcome to the Carsync Eco-System!
You are ready to go in 5 min!
Upload existing fleet data via our Excel templates.
You can upload your data by your own within a few minutes.
You will receive templates that you can fill with your data. Required for initial onboarding are the core data types organizations, drivers and vehicles. These templates are subdivided according to the following areas:
Important note: Onboarding can only be performed once, as it is used for initial filling of the core data in Carsync ECO. As soon as you execute the last step of the onboarding "Completion", the data will automatically be transferred to ECO.
1. organizations
These are your organizational units that are integrated below your already created root organization. Referencing is always done via the short name of the respective organization (-unit).
There are three types of organizations: legal entity, location and department.
In the Excel template, you can enter the short name in the "Parent organization" column to indicate that one organizational unit is subordinate to the other.
2. drivers
Assign your drivers to the organizational units by doing the driver upload. Please use the short name of the organizational unit to assign the driver to your organization.
3. vehicles
Next, execute the upload of vehicles. Please use the short names of the respective organizational unit provided in the first step for the assignment of the owner, the user and beneficiary.
4. business partners (optional)
Business partners are external companies. They are globally linked to your customer account. There are six different categories of business partners:
supplier, lessor, dealership, insurance company, fuel company, workshop.
Data columns marked in green are mandatory fields.
Please upload the data in the above mentioned order from left to right. In the validation step, the files are checked according to the following pattern:
- Are all mandatory fields filled correctly?
- Are the data fields such as Email or Ust-Id or FIN in the correct format?
- Are the organizational units found based on the short names in the respective other files (drivers, vehicles)?
If there are orphaned entries or if data is not specified in the correct format, you will immediately receive a listing of the data records to be corrected with the corresponding error descriptions. After the correction you can upload the affected files again.
Soon, you will be able to adjust the data directly in the application and resolve the orphaned entries as well as manually enter the data via an interactive dialog.